


Group work for 22 female dancers and 2 male dancers, written for undergraduate dance students at Université du Québec à Montréal

Choreography Jean-Pierre Perreault Music, set design and costumes Jean-Pierre Perreault Sound Philippe Overy Lighting Michel Dozois Dancers Christine Asselin, Lise Beausoleil, Hélène Blackburn, Linda Boileau, Claudette Brousseau, Michelle Brousseau, Josée Charpentier, Danièle Desnoyers, Annie Dréau, Johanne Dubuc, Jacinthe Giroux, Brigitte Gonthier, Danielle Gonthier, Roger Gosselin, Johanne Labarge, Julie Lachance, Sylvie Lanouette, Lyne Pelletier, Marie Portelance, Ginette Prévost, Catherine Tardif, Nicole Turcotte, Bruno Verdi, Denise Vinet Premiere March 23, 1983, Salle Marie-Gérin-Lajoie, Université du Québec à Montréal Produced by Dance department, Université du Québec à Montréal

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In 2011, Ginelle Chagnon, a close associate of Jean-Pierre Perreault from 1984 to 1999, conducted a series of approximately 90-minute interviews with six of his collaborators in order to preserve their memories of the man. They talk about their relationships with Perreault, the works in which they were involved and their approaches to the creative process.

Sylviane Martineau discusses Joe.

  • Joe, contributor interview 2011_1

    Sylviane Martineau, dancer

  • Joe, contributor interview 2011_2

    Sylviane Martineau, dancer

  • Joe, contributor interview 2011_3

    Sylviane Martineau, dancer

  • Joe, contributor interview 2011_4

    Sylviane Martineau, dancer

  • Joe, contributor interview 2011_5

    Sylviane Martineau, dancer

  • Joe, contributor interview 2011_6

    Sylviane Martineau, dancer

  • Joe, contributor interview 2011_7

    Sylviane Martineau, dancer

A window on
major works by

Les Lieux-dits, 1988, grease pencil, dry pastel, acrylic and graphite

Jean-Pierre Perreault
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec